Category Archives: Info – Buy Links

Tattoo. Taboo? Art… Life

I do not have a tattoo and doubt I ever shall.  For a woman my age raised in my culture, tattoos are rebellious (the opposite of self-effacing).  Even though the strong association with bad-boy behavior makes this juxtaposition all the more layered now that they’re in fashion across genders and age groups.  The historical aversion for tattoos in the Christian Bible is doubled-down in the horrible practice of tattooing ID numbers on Jews during World War II for bookkeeping purposes in concentration camps… that it distressed their faith was just a bonus.

ln this current age, there is tattoo art and it is “interesting” to me.  The idea of the mechanical fact of being inked isn’t the big deal; as a diabetic I get plenty of pokes just NOT at the rate or saturation of course.  For me, it is the permanence of ink.  Ironically.  I write and produce books, each one is permanent unto itself, but I am free to reverse, relaunch, realize another vision.

The person pictured here is Brandon McMillan, an animal trainer and TV star with small ink visible when he wears his long shorts, or just below his T-shirt sleeve; there is no hint of the elaborate art he hosts on this right rib, shoulder, cage and hip.  It may still be evolving.  This is a beautiful presentation of imagery but I don’t “get” it, I can’t interpret what it means nor if I am supposed to do so.  Personal hieroglyphics.

My book-making objective starts out the same, to “weave an image” that suits its own purpose and design, the writing is mine alone.  I may never share it.  Here the divide begins because the tattoo bearer cannot do the work alone.  We just aren’t hinged that way.  So that leap to collaborate is fundamental while I can (and do) bury entire manuscripts without note to others.  The words aren’t lined up properly yet.  Body ink may be applied in layers but it is not as flexible as a rough draft can be to the published “on display” imagery.

I wanted to acknowledge my respect for all the artists out there, decorating for their holidays, fashioning hand-made gifts or sharing recipes, making merry.  Nobody knows how we can seem so different yet have to make the same decisions about the body we’re in, our family rank, our community purpose.  Forging an identity is a tricky business, it can take longer than you expect (or deserve, really, given the statistical projection for your specifics).

What people regret as they age are often things left undone, and the underlying message is the waste of time, that precious tick-tock that says you can keep going, try something, do or be or create what you dream about as your legacy.  Plant your stake in the river of humanity.  You should not do what you do to get famous or rich, those paths can lead to misery… if they are granted to you, it is a bonus.  Positive energy will come if you look for a sustainable life in which you are fed, clothed and safe enough to reach out to others through art and thought and love.



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Rowdier Readers Seek Sexotica – Read and Release

kathleenK_honey_b._sexual_consultant_erotic_sexoticSexuality is connected to various controller systems, pumps and valves, cognitive pathways & social constructs, so that we find it hard to trust our first stabs at “getting connected” with somebody.  The thing people learn is that time and experience count so that few beginners are expected to make memorable love.

Like any endeavor, there is effort (persistence) motivated by the reward of success, experiencing pleasure of a sensual ethereal realm deeply buried like treasure.  The contrasting goals and methods of mixing genders was carved into us.

  • The genders provide dovetailed parts, physically and psychically, compounded by social roles and local cultural opinion so of course there’s a lot to learn and experience in the world.  Do yourself (and the rest of us) a favor and open your mind to the bigger picture, grant grace beyond your own limited sampling.  Learn to expand your ideas, which can open your opportunities.

Understand this word:  glans because it underscores the fundamental design purpose inherent in biology.

  • The vascular body which forms the apex of the penis.
  • The vascular body which forms the extremity of the clitoris.

Those minor tissue rearrangements are not worthy of gender wars, we are so much more complicated than that.  In your most intimate relationships you have to accept the skills of your partner.  Enrich your ideas about intimacy so that you enjoy-exploit Nature’s rollercoaster.  Together, find a strategy that allows for fantasy within each of you.  Not all research is done in the actual world.

Reading is the safest way to expand your thoughts, bringing knowledge into play for your brain-body to adjust to new ideas.  It is a big world with many people, sampling situations is a smart strategy.  Running wild exchanging unexamined genetic material is not a good idea for those who hope to have a good life.  You need to be smarter and kinder about your intimate exchanges to avoid the risk of unplanned offspring or life-altering disease.  It is possible to direct yearnings and channel feelings but it takes a bit of planning.  The emotional rising of desire is like steam and, remember, steam can drive a train!

Input from other sources has differents impact which is why I’m talking about reading here, not seeing images or hearing sounds.  You supply the imagery when you read, guided by your own cognitive vocabulary. Without further context the word “red” could be rose red or blood red, you wouldn’t have to conjure it up because it is information which would be pre-sorted visually.

#readmore @KathleenKxxx





To Thy Known Self Be True

To Thy Known Self Be True [sic] is cadged from online comments similar to “no, notta, uh uh” that evidence a poor grasp of the written word.  As noted in my earlier posts, there are elements of haste, there are mishaps with autocorrect, but overall we are laying bare the growing illiteracy of Internet commenters (and hastily edited reporting too].  We used to be a nation of readers, and reading helps writing.  In a verbal exchange “notta” can pass for “nada” but splats flat when written.

Shakespeare wrote this fatherly advice in Hamlet.  To thine own self be true.

It’s amusing to stretch To Thy Known Self Be True into advice for serial liars and cheaters who could save us all a lot of time by admitting their natures: first of all to themselves and ultimately to those at risk from their deception.  As Popeye put it, “I yam what I yam, and that’s all what I yam.”  This phrase from a theatrical cartoon in the 1930’s shows up in modern culture with nary a citation to the racist “entertainment” even if voiced by a character who eats tin cans.  “I am what I am” has become a well-known musical product to echo the self-determination even Olive Oyl stood for.

Skin tint, regional speech, tolerable drift from any norm are big flags in our cognition system.  Humans evolved these senses in concert to seek allies and to identify aliens.  We can be too quick to judge, and that means not only the prejudice to exclude but also include (“our type”), based first on the surface.  At the core is fact, gender-race presumptions will weight fact with preference because it is encoded, then reinforced.  How do we nurture our open minds while we meld into our improved selves?

We are evolving a new human face, genetically, mixing the races at a chromosomal level.  We evolved in pockets of land that are now connected by travel, our sperm and eggs cross-pollinate as usual, one to one, in a specific place, but we are capable of transnationality.  Again, the idea is to know the elements that go into your making but use your intellect to guide your soul.

We need a universal language, an enculturated behavior to give peace a chance.  This shift comes on a personal basis, on your own thinking and behavior.  Time to take inventory and form a stronger you, discarding outdated notions and pre-judgments.  Notice who is good to those around them, judge them on that.  Pay attention to a series of choices.  Introspection and self-assessment are not only for the young, it’s a long game for most of us and we have to acknowledge how society changes around us as do our own circumstances.

The obvious evolution of television from the closed networks of mid-20th century into the new millennium online alternatives and outlying networks give us plenty of perspective, and like any diet should be mixed.  No single source of ideology or protein serves the complex human body and soul, so be wary of those who claim it will.

#readmore #thinkmore #feelmore

Jul 19

He thundered into me, rumbling & rolling between my legs, then flipped me off my back moving into then through me, beyond my surface.

Jul 2

Hoping for fireworks? Check combustibles – Verify ignition source – Concede chance of disaster …

Jul 1

Some folks make love; some folks make trouble; others love trouble. Few understand you don’t always match, can complement to thrive.

Jun 28

I knew from a seeking kiss that things would end but I would not (could not) interfere with its course, this was our seasonal bloom.

Jun 8

You herded your doe & the fawns onto the elevator, a domesticated buck, a man in flip-flops, with a pocket full of penis on alert.

Jun 6

I hear your heat & see your hunger; it is my intention to arouse you for the benefit of us both. I am not a selfish fucking animal.

May 31

Hairy chested, thick legged man-beast worthy of my deepest, wettest sex; I’m open wide to feel his sac shift against my heated core.

Do what you do now, and do it again later; “you” are never done.



Inside Title Page Image by Brian Quinn

There is a difference between “non-ending” and “not stopping”.  The production of art, the performance of it, rendering:  it comes and goes in cycles to deepen and season talent.  You cannot live it as a focal point (usually), it is not a fulcrum.  Talent strikes more than those of whom we know, the other part of success is the planning and execution, luck and inevitability, that draws an audience, hopefully leads to a following.  Such spirit creates the energy for Half Magic on Hulu TV, pushing for women to satisfy their own desires.  This is more about mating than dating in the long run, with whom can you share life?  Don’t keep score but surely balance the exchange.

We need people like this group who pop up elsewhere as actors, directors.  [Brooklyn Nine-Nine anyone?]

I make books and have banked a dozen of them with more to come; I let them grow their own interest with a few commercial reviews and giveaways.  They exist, diamonds no longer in the rough but polished and on exhibit.  The same as so many talents although prodigious that are unknown to others.  It’s a pyramid of fame that is not controlled by talent alone.  Breakthrough is rare; it strikes like lightning, fizzes out the same.

That best-seller validation for a book, for instance, is a commercial purpose, you cannot take it as a sign of value (quality) for that is intrinsic to the object.  Whatever it is worth at the moment or over time is infused in its assembly and remains with it.  It might fall out of fashion, or catch a wave of appreciation, but in and of itself it represents the work-effort that created it.  That is the building of a legacy, a presence beyond the mere idea of being recognized in life.  You must DO that, prepare for it then pursue it, paint or sew or construct as only you do.

When it is time to produce, then pay attention to the details and do a good job of it.  Immerse yourself in the elements, allow others their perspective, so that in the end you have created something powerful.  I did this with a dozen words and a pen name like the book art featured here by Brian Quinn.   I asked for a book cover for Dark Prince, Heed Thy Queen; we selected another of his works for that purpose since it had to be easily interpreted in miniature for book ads.  This image posted here was used as inside book art, a rare expense in production that was well worth it because it so strongly captured the theme of the book:  he’s dark and looming and yet she’s central and powerful.  It’s not black and white, it is full of tone and shading, it starts a story in a still frame.

It is not only in the creation of art but in the supporting of it that a culture deepens, so please do go to a photo exhibit, buy art from a café wall…. hit my website for a nicely priced book.  We bemoan a weakening of our culture but please remember our choices and actions build that framework.  Bid on a kid’s art piece at the school auction, who knows who you’ll inspire!










Tagged , , , – Be the Transceiver – For collectors of Curiosa –

Rowdier readers self-identify so if you continue reading here there is a good chance you at least have the graciousness to entertain a new idea.  You have an open channel, not all channels of course, and not at your deep risk, but you will allow the foreign and the unknown to intrude to that first hurdle:  it’s an incoming thought and you have let it in, behind your eyes now, and for that moment you have a different outlook.  This collection of graphic writing joins books from many other creators, and all must be absorbed from the page for maximum impact.  Reach out as readers, reinforce the enrichment of scanning words into the brain.  Writers know you are treasures.


Fear of thinking, most specifically deep thinking, limits amateur readers who have not developed a framework for what they read so if something doesn’t fit in the few categories they do admit then the idea is discarded.  Volley over, signal drops, no presence.  Dead End.  What a dull world it would be if we were all like that.

Rowdier readers are energized by reading, they set up synapse symphonies and cogitate from the page to the world through the heart-mind.  It is not difficult to identify certain writings that simply are not suitable for some although the work is much appreciated by others.  That’s my category, sexotic-erotic-graphic language in small peppery bursts.  There is a transliteration when sexotic writing is considered tête-à-tête and it is my intent to be read head-to-head by people with busy vocabularies.  I station myself on broadcast and you agree to transceive.  You don’t have to accept everything but you entertain the ideas, give them a moment to take hold and move through.  Curiosa is like catnip to such a reader.

Like all arts, there is the idea but then there must be a manifestation:  a canvas, a carved stick, tangible and discrete as it is indexed for short term recall, the written word, a recorded speech, humming of a choir.  For me it has been making books, it is the making of them that pleases me.  In that way I am an old-school talent in an analog format for the print books, reluctantly digital for digital dissemination.  Books are a tactile medium in the end, nuance is absorbed through the eyes and hands.  I respect that.  It’s a journey for me too (there’s history I haven’t told you) so things are always surprisingly connected.  Overall, there are twelve narrative and engaging affordable volumes available online so far plus the fabrication continues.  I’ve developed the art of setting you up with sexotic scenarios but I break away in time for you to have to finish the imagery.  It’s subtle, it’s killer technique.  (Oh, how I’ve studied!)

I didn’t build this body by accident; I carved a man out of a blob of waste-infused goo. Locked beneath the sheath of fat was a pugnacious fucker who finally took control. I hired Honey as a sex trainer, like I paid my cardio coach and my tennis instructor. She was soft and limber and ready to rock, frank and assessing as needed. Part coach, part sparring partner… bringing me to peak. She re-shaped my sexuality, brought it closer to my core, made me hold it there and grow it there. My fat-man sex never thrilled so the screaming success of my normal body was the greatest reward. The confidence-fueled fucking went on long enough and strong enough to finally experience the need to howl it out. Now I can slip up between her thighs and feel the cradle of her crotch coddle my bouncing balls.

I’m all about the squiggles of thought, the ~, <>, : ∞ that put the punctuational kaboom into the language to help you syncopate it.  I know it seems like there are uneducated people clogging up the pipeline to – your bliss, your success, your redemption – but in fact your pace is your choice. The giddy liberty to think whatever you want is the ultimate freedom, the luxury of thoughts and feelings that come to a truly be-stilled being, soul awhirl.  Consider this an opportunity provided by the publisher of Words Arranged by Kathleen K. because it is one way for you to stomp around a bit out in the Idea Fields.  There has always been a flare of challenge in the presentation and the content of this adult-themed compendium that adds value if only reluctantly.  When is something dirty and good, good and dirty?  Who decides?  First, judge the covers… then slip away to for more detail.

kathleenk_erotica_books_dark_prince_sexotic  Kirkus Featured Review!

hires_frontcover    frontcover

HoneyB I 7174296_cover     PP Native Cover.4539172.indd

Stoner-cover copy image   Stoners_bone_of_contention_cover

ARCHING Cover Memorial+3 pre-FINAL cover_rough0003a


Vivid family fiction for those who read

between, around and beyond the lines.

frontcover   FAMILY cover front harvest from PDF

Stainless Mary BookCoverImage   LentHand frontcover-medium






Human Being vs. Human Doing – Authenticate Yourself

Thank You to The Voice television competition for jump-starting my discussion on LIFE, considering purpose and method, because not enough time is spent on the philosophy of existence when we are distracted by politicized values expressed by the “-ism”  (racism, sexism, genderism, patriotism, capitalism) and its cousin “-istic”.  Coach Alicia Keys and Season 12 winner Chris Blue invoke this concept during The Knockout Premier of Season 14.  The show producers were smart enough to edit that in, to include that moment, which to the discerning viewer demonstrates intelligence all around.  This bit of banter between the two struck a nerve with me, enough to pause and open this post with high expectations.  Immediately below is a moment captured in time…

Or you can hop to or to see this philosophy enacted.  I feel alive when I work on my books, on my poetry, on my blogging and my Tweeting because reading and writing galvanize me.  It is the thrill of the hunt for the proper word or powerful phrase and the artful juxtaposition of them that please me.  Not my own work alone, I am an avid reader as many writers are (and you can tell); there is a bit of borrowing like in all arts, but the end result reflects one execution.

Blog-in-Support of erotic, sexotic, romantic, graphic words
arranged and rearranged by Kathleen K.
Click for archive  – NSFW –
but work is only 1/3 of 5/7 of the week

A young medical professional at my doctor’s office remembered me as a writer and I gave her one of my cards.  Like the information above, the card was crafted deliberately to push an agenda. The card background looks like ruled paper with a red left-margin line; there’s heading type, subheading type, a logo… and each piece was considered alone and with the rest.  As with the blurb above, it is jam-packed with a double-down link to augment the flat print statement of availability.   That underscores the restatement in the title of this post, I am the writer of this because I made the effort to draft, refine and produce twelve books, etc., manifest in fact by deed then to support that with other channels.

This discussion was spontaneous and will ring for her because she’s at a stage (and state) of being, reaching for meaning to mix in with the facts of her job, her home, her family, her friends, her own heart and soul and hopes and dreams and fears and TIME, when is it TIME?  We all have to apportion our time.  It’s an unknown quantity, much like our talent and our will and our circumstances.  It’s part of living to allocate resources, and art to assess them one against the other.  More time or more money, which is needed more?  More sleep or more sex… which will be appreciated more?  There are two choices below, the third choice is neither, the fourth would be both. the Bonus is exactly that…






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Sexotic – Erotic Kathleen K. Books – The First Five Years

I set out in 2011 to make print-digital masters of ten of my “previously private publications” within five years; as an experienced book builder I knew exactly what I wanted to have produced for me.  I learned that gave me the control I required plus creative insight I had not expected.

kathleenk erotica gender dynamics family life indieThe first book was a trial run, and the book-team assigned to my project popped this image onto it with that choppety font: they caught the mood and carved it on the cover.  Talk about a strong entrance to print-on-demand since that image draws then holds the eye, plus it thumbnails well.  Deciding which book to put into production next is part art and part strategy, author meet publisher (“Enjoy sharing that skull.”).  Joody grabs you long enough to notice there now are other characters-covers around her:  a dozen Kathleen K. Books examine the commotion of emotion around sex∞love and the infinity between.

Bedside readers for the adult mind… erotic & sexotic


Examine what it means to hide your primary sexual relationship from the people you love but flaunt it in front of strangers. 

Enjoy this flip and witty take on gender dynamics, deliciously explicit, as it probes themes of submission, permission, and admission.

Just Released!


hires_frontcover    frontcover HoneyB I 7174296_cover     PP Native Cover.4539172.indd

Stoner-cover copy image   Stoners_bone_of_contention_cover ARCHING Cover Memorial+3 pre-FINAL cover_rough0003a


Vivid family fiction for those who read
between, around and beyond the lines. 

frontcover   Stainless Mary BookCoverImage LentHand frontcover-medium  FAMILY cover front harvest from PDF

I set three goals for the first five years:  make books, establish online catalog-outreach, and sustain a social media presence.

Twelve books.  100+ posts here.  450+ Tweets.

Done, done and done.

This is the foundation for the next five years.  The turning point may be when I am accepted as a content-provider to an alternative-indie periodical of some sort for print and digital access: a home base from which to syndicate-replicate someday.  I represent a distaff voice, in the tradition of lady wits and witches… sassy, sexy, smart, scorching, and self-contained.  Right now I’m angling to luck across a keen scout who pulls my work forward and sees the business I am building… it’s all about the books.

Another bet that paid off was selecting Kirkus Reviews professional service as a trial-by-fire for the books themselves.  Consistent positive reviews from Kirkus bolster my literary cred, which is especially valuable for the Indie publisher.  “We see you.”

A witty and wise read, especially for fans of tough-minded heroines.

Stainless Mary  Kirkus Reviews Aug. 2012

A beautifully woven novel about an unusual boy… and how he learns to be a father, without having really been a son.

The Lent Hand   Kirkus Reviews  Jan 2013

Quotable tags like these shorthand the type of book it is, indicating the style and tone rather than touting a thriller-killer plot or genre-buzz.  Consider this discussion on how readers might pick their books.

I leverage the Give Away program to garner hundreds of “looks” from specifically-interested purposeful readers seeking books and willing to invest an actual click.  I can “look back” at the entrants via online profile image and presence: I skim past fast, going for the overall energy.  I’ve worked on the down-low so long, it’s exciting to start the next five years with a more public stance on my planning.  So many people imagine the things they would create if they had an audience but I took the opposite approach, I created what I wanted to create for the challenge-fun of fabricating bedside readers for the adult mind.  Groundwork laid, now I seek the rowdier readers who will at least pull my words to their screen.

Whether it turns out to be squibs of romantic-graphic poetry scattered around a gritty weekly, providing a quick jolt of thinking for the wandering mind, or excerpts serialized from my vignette-rich and scenario-driven books themselves between art-concept glossy covers, I can only imagine.  This sought-after periodical presence would be in the long tradition of actual literature in counter-culture small presses and little magazines.  With Playboy dropping nudes, they are conceding the porn-pic war as rendered irrelevant to their mission, we only hope they stay alive in the literary and arts communities which was the other revolution Hugh Hefner took on.  Remember those glorious interviews and break-out stories between the impossible beauties and those crazy-cool parties “in the Grotto”?  There is more to “getting it” than sex.  What they called a club we now call a community.  Like-minded.

kathleenk_erotica_fiction_books_indieI’m walking fertile ground since Fifty Shades of Grey helped weaken the grip of male-modality in adult entertainment:  those books weren’t about content-quality but about the surge of consumer fever whether or not the literary community approved.  Traditional publishers were aghast at the volume of mommy porn.  Really?  (Really.)  I’m not banking on a book or three, I’m presenting a 12-book collection available online today.

My investment in the actual book masters establishes my freedom, each title is available on demand with no further cost or effort on my part.  It’s a leap of faith to call a book finished, ending that interlude when a character’s bailiwick first exists without public criticism or praise, product of paper-pen-pixels grappling with the ineffable.  And then at one moment in time the writer declares the book to be complete as it will be, the people and places forever captured there.  Now, offered here.

Kathleen K Books — Next Five Year Plan

Produce five book print-digital masters.

Maintain online catalog-blog.

Sustain delivery of reTweetable @KathleenKxxx Tweets or similar evolving “pithy” webiverse.  Reactivate @Potcentric

Continue branding efforts as both a book collection, and as a dozen discrete titles.  To that end, I leave a steady set of markers: I was here, and here… and over here too.  Just linkin’ along.

Thankful.  Hopeful.

November 30, 2015

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I fabricate books.

I fabricate books. Books are printed on paper and bound, most often with a cover that wraps around it, usually hand-held but can be propped on table or lap, requiring repetitive mechanical finger action to advance pages.

Bedside readers for the adult mind… erotic & sexotic

kathleenk_erotica_books_dark_prince_sexotic HoneyB I 7174296_cover  PP Native Cover.4539172.indd

frontcover Stoner-cover copy imageStoners_bone_of_contention_cover

hires_frontcover  ARCHING Cover Memorial+3 pre-FINAL cover_rough0003a


Vivid family fiction for those who read

between and beyond the words.

frontcover   FAMILY cover front harvest from PDF

Stainless Mary BookCoverImage   LentHand frontcover-medium

eBooks are pale iterations lacking body, they are not tactile, they do not show wear or tear of handling, they don’t have cracked spines or bent corners. Overly-tidy for my taste.  War and Peace is the same “weight” as Love Story on an eReader but put side by side in print telegraph their scope (comparing file sizes just isn’t the same).

I render digital versions for convenience.  It’s a low-cost way to get my stories into people’s minds.  I would like to see less “bad faith returns” meaning if you do eRead the book, don’t eReturn it.  It is just as low-class to wear something once and take it back.  You know you’re wrong.  eBooks have “Look Inside” previews and reviews so it isn’t a pig in a poke, and MAYBE you might go wrong 10% of the time.  You also don’t have to “like” the book meaning if the ending bummed you out that isn’t reason to reject the book purchase/reading experience.

I am grateful for Print on Demand as it allows me to create book masters for one fixed cost and then produce copies as needed.  I imagine it runs much like a busy port using containers to mix shipments of feathers and bowling balls by creating stack-able units no matter the content.  POD publishers have lots of ‘containers’ ready to roll. My graphic poetry is stacked on my Stoner fictional memoirs next to the Honey B.’s.  Mixed in with the sexotic-erotic-graphic containers are the family-driven narrative fiction products ready for reading by those who don’t want all the folderol of overt sex yet expect passion, drama and engagement.


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The Art of Tweet-sized Poetry: Few Words, Much Feeling

The Art of Tweet-sized Poetry: Few Words, Much Feeling

Marianne Moore was never so confounding as when she dabbled in simplicity. In The Complete Poems of Marianne Moore, published in 1967, the 80-year-old poet had ruthlessly pared down “Poetry” from 29 lines to three:

I, too, dislike it.

Reading it, however, with a perfect contempt for it, one discovers in

it, after all, a place for the genuine.

Quoted from by Jennifer Szalai


COMMENTARY by Kathleen K., indie author and publisher

Poetry has been taken out of the hands of most readers, sadly denying them the fun of discovering writers who are wringing out the distractions and conveying the message.  Erotica poetry has the double-burden of being naughty and nerdy.  Don’t flip it off so fast, it might fertilize your fantasies.

Arching Over (Collected Collections of Graphic Poetry) assembles four small books of erotica poetry into a compendium of oddly thoughtful words about love∞sex.  The book has been professionally assessed by Kirkus Reviews:

[This] collection of erotic poetry offers a cavalcade of love affairs, focusing on the narrator’s moment-to-moment fantasies and experiences.

A sprawling collection… that intriguingly lays out a dance of seduction in all of its conceivable steps.


I invite you to consider the following samples, out of context, to discover if perhaps Tweet-sized poetry is one way to yank your mind around.


resurrect the words

that have been drowned in soap

i’m not supposed to like hearing them

any more than you are supposed to like saying them


want to feel you again against me

wrapped around your wishes

want to know the commotion

at the center of your sensual self


120 smiles:

run tongue

from clit down slit

to slot

and back up


repeat     repeat


10 repetitions, 4 sets


serial jack off

first, me for you

then you on me


i didn’t lie

those are my own pinch marks…

i missed you so


the goal is to go over

the edge

teetering teetering

finally tottering


from behind me

your hands curve

and cover my breasts

like my own do



i sit up

you stand back

we connect

male plug

female receptor

alternating currents


It is your own hand that brings you off

but it is my voice in your ear

as you crest, as you peak,

you at the vertex

with me in the vortex.


Vivid Family Fiction:

Vintage Boomer Porn:

#Erotic #Poetry #AdultsOnly

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Ten Books Published in Thirty Months: Erotica after Fifty [Years of Age and Shades of Grey]

Kathleen K. Books was launched in Spring of 2011 to bring my fiction to the marketplace.  I had spent years writing in private and felt it was time to manifest faith in the work I had done.  I didn’t bother trying to find an agent-editor-promoter-publisher (external energy source), the next step was making the books and I didn’t need help doing that.  I needed inventory before promotion.

As I planned my strategy for publishing sexotic books for the rowdier reader, it was important that I understood my audience.  Vintage Boomer porn is not the millennial digitized-kaleidoscope of unrelenting stimulation.  Bedside Readers for the Adult Mind address the deeper hungers for inclusion and possibility; they target the sharper reading skills of a sophisticated consumer.  Romance and expectancy are not limited to the young or the restless.

I wrote most of these books underground during my Mommyhood, benefitting from my IT job with family time for team sports and field trips… there was no reason to explain I was a notoriously naughty writer on hiatus.  I retreated into a creative backwater, where I could soak in the words of others and sharpen my narrative choices heedless of external praise or criticism.  I sometimes circulated segments of new things among local literati but I stayed down low on purpose.  I completed my front-line kid care in 2011 and launched the indie publishing project.  (Selling would come later… which turns out to be now.)  So, I’m over fifty years of age… but the business is young.

I knew after Fifty Shades of Grey went legit that my business model was right on target:  people still read as individuals but can be moved in ever-widening circles that go beyond the book.  The secret was to be purely submerged in the world of that book while you wrote it, and going underground gave me that luxury.  An author falls into their magic kingdom or their gritty crime scene utterly and completely alone, reaching for coherency that can only be proven later.  Then came the reviews:  I commissioned professional assessments of six of the books with each yielding positive results.  Necessary validation to proceed.  They weren’t perfect but they were contenders for a reader’s attention.

To construct the world of Harry Potter, or Get Shorty, or We Need to Talk about Kevin, is to craft a map for others to follow into the emotional wilderness of an off-tangent world.  I am pleased to introduce you to the different worlds I’ve populated for you.   My business plan includes a smart audience, people who use their words and appreciate sexy, sassy, candid, comical writing about the human condition.  I am (finally) seeking those rowdier readers, confident that these ten books fairly represent my contribution to high-end erotica on one hand ( and contemporary narrative fiction on the other (  These are statement pieces, ageless and recognizable as words about love & sex have always been.

I started the publishing project with an “all age” short story collection, Joody (A Case Study in Post Dramatic Stress Disorder).  I was willing to “sacrifice” it if the production company I selected was unable to co-create my book to the simple standards I established.  If it was horrible I would bury it and keep looking for a way to make books I could afford to sell.  I was stunned by the striking cover image proposed by my new “creative team”; it arrests me every time I see it.


It made that first step in creating “product” meaningful because I knew could build books that I’d be proud to share.  I have four “vivid family fiction” books for those who like wry and witty narrators with choices to make, minus all the folderol of overt sexuality.  Romantic, yes.  Deep and abiding decisions about love in the voices of real characters wrapped in rich prose and peppered with sharp dialog.  The next all-age book is Lee Chin, Law Office Safari (names have been changed to protect the inefficient).

Six bedside readers for the adult mind tailored for the nightstand…  This tenth book is graphic poetry, sexotic and tender and sassy and chill.  In this Tweet‑y world of ours, quick jabs and complicated word play work as stimulants.  Arching Over pairs nicely with the other sexplicit works because the authenticity earned running a phone sex business (Sweet Talkers) flowers in the fantastical voyeur’s catechism The Lunarium (One Man’s Memories of the Watchers and the Watched) then snaps back in Honey B., Sexual Consultant to give Frank advice about Dick.

There are five more books slated for production in the coming 15 months.  I’ve been banking all these titles as “on demand” print and Kindle formats to share with loyal readers who appreciate that I never underestimated them.  I aimed at the high side of their mentality:  the part that churns their yearning.  Not suitable for some, appreciated by others.  I trust people to set aside what doesn’t satisfy them… and to reach for things that do.

Kathleen K. Books invites you to read…

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