Category Archives: phone sex – Be the Transceiver – For collectors of Curiosa –

Rowdier readers self-identify so if you continue reading here there is a good chance you at least have the graciousness to entertain a new idea.  You have an open channel, not all channels of course, and not at your deep risk, but you will allow the foreign and the unknown to intrude to that first hurdle:  it’s an incoming thought and you have let it in, behind your eyes now, and for that moment you have a different outlook.  This collection of graphic writing joins books from many other creators, and all must be absorbed from the page for maximum impact.  Reach out as readers, reinforce the enrichment of scanning words into the brain.  Writers know you are treasures.


Fear of thinking, most specifically deep thinking, limits amateur readers who have not developed a framework for what they read so if something doesn’t fit in the few categories they do admit then the idea is discarded.  Volley over, signal drops, no presence.  Dead End.  What a dull world it would be if we were all like that.

Rowdier readers are energized by reading, they set up synapse symphonies and cogitate from the page to the world through the heart-mind.  It is not difficult to identify certain writings that simply are not suitable for some although the work is much appreciated by others.  That’s my category, sexotic-erotic-graphic language in small peppery bursts.  There is a transliteration when sexotic writing is considered tête-à-tête and it is my intent to be read head-to-head by people with busy vocabularies.  I station myself on broadcast and you agree to transceive.  You don’t have to accept everything but you entertain the ideas, give them a moment to take hold and move through.  Curiosa is like catnip to such a reader.

Like all arts, there is the idea but then there must be a manifestation:  a canvas, a carved stick, tangible and discrete as it is indexed for short term recall, the written word, a recorded speech, humming of a choir.  For me it has been making books, it is the making of them that pleases me.  In that way I am an old-school talent in an analog format for the print books, reluctantly digital for digital dissemination.  Books are a tactile medium in the end, nuance is absorbed through the eyes and hands.  I respect that.  It’s a journey for me too (there’s history I haven’t told you) so things are always surprisingly connected.  Overall, there are twelve narrative and engaging affordable volumes available online so far plus the fabrication continues.  I’ve developed the art of setting you up with sexotic scenarios but I break away in time for you to have to finish the imagery.  It’s subtle, it’s killer technique.  (Oh, how I’ve studied!)

I didn’t build this body by accident; I carved a man out of a blob of waste-infused goo. Locked beneath the sheath of fat was a pugnacious fucker who finally took control. I hired Honey as a sex trainer, like I paid my cardio coach and my tennis instructor. She was soft and limber and ready to rock, frank and assessing as needed. Part coach, part sparring partner… bringing me to peak. She re-shaped my sexuality, brought it closer to my core, made me hold it there and grow it there. My fat-man sex never thrilled so the screaming success of my normal body was the greatest reward. The confidence-fueled fucking went on long enough and strong enough to finally experience the need to howl it out. Now I can slip up between her thighs and feel the cradle of her crotch coddle my bouncing balls.

I’m all about the squiggles of thought, the ~, <>, : ∞ that put the punctuational kaboom into the language to help you syncopate it.  I know it seems like there are uneducated people clogging up the pipeline to – your bliss, your success, your redemption – but in fact your pace is your choice. The giddy liberty to think whatever you want is the ultimate freedom, the luxury of thoughts and feelings that come to a truly be-stilled being, soul awhirl.  Consider this an opportunity provided by the publisher of Words Arranged by Kathleen K. because it is one way for you to stomp around a bit out in the Idea Fields.  There has always been a flare of challenge in the presentation and the content of this adult-themed compendium that adds value if only reluctantly.  When is something dirty and good, good and dirty?  Who decides?  First, judge the covers… then slip away to for more detail.

kathleenk_erotica_books_dark_prince_sexotic  Kirkus Featured Review!

hires_frontcover    frontcover

HoneyB I 7174296_cover     PP Native Cover.4539172.indd

Stoner-cover copy image   Stoners_bone_of_contention_cover

ARCHING Cover Memorial+3 pre-FINAL cover_rough0003a


Vivid family fiction for those who read

between, around and beyond the lines.

frontcover   FAMILY cover front harvest from PDF

Stainless Mary BookCoverImage   LentHand frontcover-medium






Human Being vs. Human Doing – Authenticate Yourself

Thank You to The Voice television competition for jump-starting my discussion on LIFE, considering purpose and method, because not enough time is spent on the philosophy of existence when we are distracted by politicized values expressed by the “-ism”  (racism, sexism, genderism, patriotism, capitalism) and its cousin “-istic”.  Coach Alicia Keys and Season 12 winner Chris Blue invoke this concept during The Knockout Premier of Season 14.  The show producers were smart enough to edit that in, to include that moment, which to the discerning viewer demonstrates intelligence all around.  This bit of banter between the two struck a nerve with me, enough to pause and open this post with high expectations.  Immediately below is a moment captured in time…

Or you can hop to or to see this philosophy enacted.  I feel alive when I work on my books, on my poetry, on my blogging and my Tweeting because reading and writing galvanize me.  It is the thrill of the hunt for the proper word or powerful phrase and the artful juxtaposition of them that please me.  Not my own work alone, I am an avid reader as many writers are (and you can tell); there is a bit of borrowing like in all arts, but the end result reflects one execution.

Blog-in-Support of erotic, sexotic, romantic, graphic words
arranged and rearranged by Kathleen K.
Click for archive  – NSFW –
but work is only 1/3 of 5/7 of the week

A young medical professional at my doctor’s office remembered me as a writer and I gave her one of my cards.  Like the information above, the card was crafted deliberately to push an agenda. The card background looks like ruled paper with a red left-margin line; there’s heading type, subheading type, a logo… and each piece was considered alone and with the rest.  As with the blurb above, it is jam-packed with a double-down link to augment the flat print statement of availability.   That underscores the restatement in the title of this post, I am the writer of this because I made the effort to draft, refine and produce twelve books, etc., manifest in fact by deed then to support that with other channels.

This discussion was spontaneous and will ring for her because she’s at a stage (and state) of being, reaching for meaning to mix in with the facts of her job, her home, her family, her friends, her own heart and soul and hopes and dreams and fears and TIME, when is it TIME?  We all have to apportion our time.  It’s an unknown quantity, much like our talent and our will and our circumstances.  It’s part of living to allocate resources, and art to assess them one against the other.  More time or more money, which is needed more?  More sleep or more sex… which will be appreciated more?  There are two choices below, the third choice is neither, the fourth would be both. the Bonus is exactly that…






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Running a Phone Sex Business Gave Me the “Credentials” to Write Erotica

Twenty-five years ago I was living the merry life of a hippie poet and counterculture writer when my work life took an unexpected turn. I was a member of the independent arts community in Seattle and took office temp jobs to keep myself in typewriter ribbons and used books.  I’d written and hosted a sex-and-drugs radio comedy show for a season (très risqué), I ran a poetry-erotica bookstore for several years, and was co-publishing an alternative magazine for edgy poets and artists .  An opportunity to run a phone sex business arose in 1987 as the 976-TALK industry exploded.  It sounded like sex radio to me.  This was no-contact sex work, fantasy on both sides.  The job offered me a good salary for office duties like payroll and expense tracking, with an additional profit motive for me to lead by example on the live line, acting as the Head Mama.  I trained the staff and I set the tone.  This was a 24×7 relay situation and job-skill #1 was being on the line ready to talk when scheduled.


Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the business that inspired the book.

My knack for writing erotica gave us an upper hand on the “ohh-baby-ohh-baby” simulations of our competition, and I first turned this skill on the operator-applicants.  If they couldn’t talk to me on the phone, then they’d never make it live with a customer.  Plain-spoken naughty talk, directed and specific, familiar and profane.  Most people are surprised at the enthusiasm of disembodied arousal.  Phone fantasy females don’t do all the talking, the callers had plenty to say.  Operators worked from home part-time and were earning slightly more than generally skilled office workers with no commuting, no wardrobe expense, no fix-your-face time, and the fun of a weekly paycheck.  We provided the headset and they were to provide a quiet environment, connecting to the per-minute-party line through a restricted non-billing number.  Housewives and pregnant strippers and moonlighting waitresses agreed to do this because I convinced them that they would never ever meet the callers (who it turned out were just like the men they already knew).  They didn’t hustle for call-backs, they didn’t upsell videos, and they didn’t have to take any crap beyond the usual crap associated with men in pursuit of excitement .

We named the business Sweet Talkers to set a civilized tone for a commercial interactive sex fantasy party-line paid for by-the-minute.  It was just as bawdy and naughty as you’d expect. The men felt entitled to hot talk for their dollars, but they often stuttered and stumbled around the purpose of their call .  Mostly it was average guys talking about their need to get some satisfaction.  Nobody else seemed to understand their stalwart dick and its relentless need for relief.  Venting some penile steam wasn’t a big deal to them, it was an almost daily indulgence.  How much more fun with a disembodied female voice encouraging him to tell her what he wanted, what he really, really wanted.

That oddly intimate exposure to men’s actual fantasies continues to add authenticity to the sexy dialog and details of physique and technique in my erotic and sexotic books.  Please understand that the callers weren’t making love to themselves, they were spanking that f’ing monkey.  Consider these facts:  Guys like sex.  Guys like coaches and cheerleaders .  Phone sex is orgasmic coaching and cheering.  Accept the business is about masturbating, and it makes perfect sense that real voices intensified fantasy.

Conjure up the world pre-Internet.  Back then, phone sex was the wildest thing a regular guy could do anonymously.  He was alone at home on the phone doing something he was going to do anyway.  VHS moved porn to the living room, explicit magazines flourished.  Turns out that friendly phone at home could connect you to various voices yet set you free with the twitch of a switch.  The freedom to make the call paled in significance to the opportunity to hang up… shut it down mid-sentence, dismissed !

Sweet Talkers was shuttered after a year.  The industry was moving from an anonymous per-minute item on the monthly phone bill toward a credit-card system with fees and fraud flourishing.  Phone sex is a touchy subject because we prefer not to consider that men are so sex-hungry they’ll pay to talk to a stranger.  On the upside, they want to talk, they pay to talk.  It’s anonymous but not impersonal.

I knew that there was a book lurking in those crazy exchanges.  I wanted to capture the essence of phone sex so I opened my call diary and recreated faceless conversations: the racy ones, the silly ones, the mean ones and the duds.  Then, to justify the accuracy of the re-creations, I added some of the diary pages.  I incorporated training bulletins that I had written to deliver with the weekly pay envelopes.  (The only quickest way to teach someone to describe a blow job is to describe a blow job.)  I provided information on sex toys, girl-on-girl, dildo vs. vibrator, ritual domination, cross-dressing, and pee pee a deux so the operators had details to offer but they had not been handed a script.  I linked up this background  info on the business with commentary on the callers in the same freewheeling language that crackled on the line.

The result was a forthright first-person account, Sweet Talkers (Words from the Mouth of a Pay-to-Say Girl), which qualifies as pornographic nonfiction curiosa and is as one reader said, “Filthy.  Positively filthy.  Thank you.”

Against all odds the book got off the slush pile at a literary agent’s office and was sold a few years later to a small-house erotic publisher.  It was received as a raw yet charming chronicle of life in a jack-off factory.  It did well enough to go to paperback but then fell out of print when I backed off promoting it.  I got diverted into Mommyhood and went underground as a wicked-wording writer in deference to the power of the PTA .  It was the confidence I gained from Sweet Talkers, both on the line and in print, which fueled my production of high-end erotica.  That book became a cult collectible, giving me hope that if I did it once, I could do it again.  Living family style wasn’t a good time to promote my writing but it turned out to be the perfect time to write over a dozen books.  I founded in 2011, after completing my front-line custodial kid care, to produce libertine literature for rowdier readers.   Phone sex is still a “thing” but it isn’t what it was in 1987 any more than TV stayed the same.  What hasn’t changed is the emotional commotion of voicing sex secrets out loud… or finding them written down in a book that straddles your imagination.

#sexybook #phonesex #KathleenK

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Sweet Talkers: the seminal voice of indie-author Kathleen K.

My first book was published in New York City in 1994, brokered by a real literary agent, back when this was the only route to readers.

hires_frontcover             hires_backcover

Sweet Talkers (Words from the Mouth of a Pay-to-Say Girl) was an outspoken chronicle of an actual phone-sex business and the masturbatory fantasies it was based upon.  The book went to paperback in 1997 then slipped out of print.  It has been an online collectible for over fifteen years.

Jamie is the narrator, the alter-ego who runs the tele-erotic business meaning she trains the operators and works the line and interviews potential talent by getting frisky to see if they can follow.  She is the seminal voice (how could I resist?).  The dual punch of literal call diary excerpts like this:

Noon to 4 p.m. on a Wednesday in February

12:02 Relieve Helen; 12:04 silent; 12:06 silent; 12:16

silent;; 12:29-30 how’s your pussy?; 12:32-33 silent;

12:42 silent; 12:59-1:08 interview style, graphic

technique; 1:??-12 do you do girls? same caller,

slow to interact; 1:13 silent; 1:19-26 5’10”, 165#, has

girlfriend, masturbation; 1:28-29 new caller, couple

of questions; 1:30-31 b.j.; 1:34-35 background

a-hems to a provocative but discreet come-on from

me; 1:36-40 1st call, kind of different, might like a

moaner; 1:47-56 hard to hear, either ‘what sex’ or

‘butt sex’; 1:57-2:03 Hawaii, lucky there, sexy talk

until he thanks me a lot; multi-listeners through

both connections, all scatter when talker departs;

2:10-19 young, kissing style, sensuous, lots of girls,

good body, work out (well-defined), great “cut

up” stomach, 5’9”, 165#, 8% body fat, bone hard,

likes long sessions, quickies OK; 2:20-27 no jack

off, problem is he likes sex, gets too wound up, b.j.

standing up, doesn’t eat out unclean crotch, bathe

in oils to massage; 2:34-43 creeeeeeek, silent!; 2:36-

43 hello, sexy talk with listeners, let’s all scream

together?; 2:44 hello, click; 2:49-58 called back, love

dog, use images later, big dick is a problem (9”), likes

to listen; 2:59-3:08 fuck scene, big dick, relate to real

fuck, needs wide hipped, deep cunted female, loves

to hear about big cunts (hand fit the glove); 3:27-

?? silent; 3:18-25 pretend to be wife being eaten by

someone else since he won’t BUT THEN HE DOES;

3:29-33 one talker, not much feedback, 2 silent; 3:34

someone still on??; 3:35-37 cock in hand, would

gladly feed it to me; 3:??-28 silent or hangup; 3:53-

4:02 was male model for bachelorette party, six gals,

6’2”, blond, 180#, 25-30 year old “audience,” couple

of hours, tie on bed for pics but stuck thermometer

in his prick, didn’t hurt at all (!?), (bride-to-be didn’t

play); 4:00 Sybil arrives, what’s a gigolo, caller said it

wasn’t a man who seduces women for their money

or prestige… reassured her he was wrong.


and re-created phone calls like this:

“I’m back, it’s me, Steve.”

“Hi, buddy. What’s happening in the video now?”

“The redhead is on her knees sucking the black dude while the

white guy fingers her ass, she’s got great tits, bouncy.”

“That turn you on?”

“Oh, yeah, three-somes! It’s my all-time fantasy.”

“Pretend I look like the redhead if you like, imagine your hands

on my body.”

“Jamie, get on your back, OK?”

“OK, hold on, yeah, I’m on the bed, on my back. I’m naked.”

“Lift your knees and spread them, wide, real wide, until it

almost hurts, yes, spread ‘em, I just want to look at your pussy, I

stop the video at the cunt shots, I love women!”

“I’ve got a muscular pussy, pink-lipped, large and well-defined,

with a thick patch of black pubic hair I keep trimmed.”

“I could play with you for hours, like we could watch videos and

I’d just stroke you.”

“I get so wet, Steve, sticky-sweet and sexy. Run your finger

down the slit, right into my secret hole, the one I dare to show

you… think of my hands on my thighs spreading wide for you so

you can see it, feel it.”

“I fast-forwarded to a cum scene, Jamie, I’ve watched it a million

times, she’s masturbating on her back with her knees open, the

camera is right there! You can see her whole body get rigid, she

gets so close… I know what she’s feeling!”

“Imagine me just like that with you as the camera, you are

filming it for your imagination, you can see me open and inviting

you closer, my cunt-hole is dripping I’m so excited, and my fingers

are shoving my mound around, making my clit throb, my hips are

lifting off the bed, you zoom in closer…”

“Ohhh, yeahhh, I zoom in closer…”

“You see it happen, you have captured it forever…”

“I watch it, close up, tight, you come in my face, right in my

face, I can feel you come.”

“Such a pretty pussy, she likes you.”

“Ohh, I can’t thank you enough, especially that zoom-thing, it

was perfect.”

“Darlin’, you can direct me anytime. Remember me when

you’re watching videos, OK?”

“You bet, Jamie, you bet I will. Bye, ‘till next time.”


and commentary like this:

People will ask me if I talk like this to my lovers. Repeat after

me, people: Jamie is a character, and, as part of her character,

then, yes, lovers are talked to this way.

Only one caller has admitted to having a “love doll,” a life-size

plastic surrogate love-object, and I didn’t hear that until after I’d

worked over 1,000 hours on the line. He said it was no good on

top, no pressure, but was OK to lay on top of and hump into… it

wasn’t as if he TALKED to it, after all.


earned the book critical praise and reader enthusiasm.  Here’s what readers have told me:

 “I read it one-handed.”

“Wore it out.  Bought a replacement (and a spare).”

“Filthy.  Positively filthy.  Thank you!”

“This isn’t a book, it’s   a film-treatment with dialog included.    If you can cast the right Jamie, everybody else plays a cameo.””

“It’s a bedside reader for sure; I keep mine in the nightstand   with the toys!”

“So many hilarious beautiful words pinpointing that singular   feeling of passionate release.”

“Loved it, didn’t think I would but I   very much did!”

“I want to recommend it but I’m not   sure who to, it’s really steamy and kind of sweet.”

I’m 20 pages in and can’t put the book down. This is getting me all   kinds of wild!


Spurred on by the moderate success of this non-fiction porn book, I authored over a dozen books while trying to figure out a gateway to rowdier readers.  Publish-on-Demand is the answer for me.  It takes about 90 days to bring a finished manuscript to book form including cover design and interior proofs.  I’ve got book #11 in production now. allows me to “bank” book masters for print and Kindle while I promote the collection of adults-only and all-age narrative fiction.  Priced to share.

Jamie lives on in all the books, she’s sassy and wise and oddly thoughtful.  She channels all those guys who told her what they wanted, what they really really wanted, was for somebody to want them. for rowdier readers

#erotica #phone-sex #sexysexy

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